Stress is often a word that puts us all in peril. Although it’s part of everybody’s life, nobody can escape from the reality of stressful situations. Extreme amounts of stress can cause severe physical and mental impacts. After a certain amount of stress, your immunity, cardiovascular functions and neurological systems can be affected, causing emotional baggage and a potential breakdown. The human body is fascinating, with exceptional abilities to recover, yet something as common as stress could reach a person to a breaking point. Especially when subjected to a lot of physical and mental stress, people may feel out of sorts and shaken.
That’s why we’re put together a post about natural ingredients of Ashwagandha that can help get rid of stress. In fact, the positive, healthy and organic ways that the Ashwagandha herb influences your body helps reduce and prevent a lot of negative consequences on health. These results are clinically proven, emerging from the age-old tradition of Ayurveda. Let’s find out how the powerful herb called Ashwagandha is responsible for the reduction of stress levels and the revitalizing of your well-being.
What is Ashwagandha?
Ashwagandha is a herb discovered in ancient times, popularly referred to as the Winter cherry of India. In botany, it’s called the Withania somnifera. For many centuries, Ashwagandhas medicinal properties have been used in Ayurveda to treat a variety of ailments related to stress, like hypertension, blood pressure, and even physical issues like cardiovascular problems, hormonal issues and nervous breakdown. It is classified as an adaptogen, which means that it can help your body manage stress naturally, in the healthiest way. The roots of Ashwagandha in Ayurveda have been employed by practitioners to provide transformative experiences for patients who often express a lot of concerns about their stress levels and related complications. Chitrakoota ayurvedic hospital offers the best Ayurvedic treatment in Karnataka. Here’s a little bit about the healthy effects of Ashwagandha.
Nutritional value of Ashwagandha
Packed with immense nutritional benefits, the Ashwagandha herb is often found as ready made medicine owing to it’s wide popularity and myriad of natural advantages. The main composite is called Withanolides, which are important in acting as a herbal steroid to boost the activity of hormones. The other nutrients in Ashwagandha are iron, alkaloids, acetic acid, amino acids, fatty acids, resins, glucose, calcium, sucrose, vitamin A, tannins and antioxidants that control the needless stress of everyday life. The potent nutritional value of this herb has given rise to it’s prominence in nurturing health and well-being, by preventing the damage of stress on the human body.
Medicinal properties of Ashwagandha
The Ashwagandha powder has adaptogenic, anti-depressant, anti-stress, anti-anxiety, anxiolytic properties which boost the immunity levels, nervous activity and attribute strong analgesic properties that reduce overall stress. This makes Ashwagandha an ideal counterpart in battling stress related issues naturally, without any side-effects apart from positivity and healing.
Ashwagandha is a very important herb in Ayurveda, and you can consult Chithrakoota Ayurveda experts for detailed information about this herb.
The implications of Ashwagandha for stress relief
Ashwagandha is used for stress management. It’s many medicinal properties can complement the modern life style, a fast paced routine by aiding in reduction of stress levels which may lead to many disorders. The herb affects your mental and physical healthy by boosting your body’s natural capacity to control, manage and maneouvre stressful situations.
Let’s dive into the many benefits that make this magical herb a go to choice for the enthusiasts of Ayurveda and healthy living.
Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurveda traditionally as an adaptogen, which soothes and calm a stressed individual.
– Treats stress related ailments like hypertension and diabetes
– Reduces anxiety and depression
– Cures sleeping disorders and insomnia
– Carries anti-ageing properties
– Used as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
– Boosts energy levels and the stamina of a person
– Creates a sense of well-being and calmness
Naturally, 100% organic Ashwagandha is still common in many parts of India, widely used in traditional Ayurveda practices. The herb is known to treat conditions like lipid reduction in the body, reduction of anxiety, boosting mental health, reduction of inflammation and much more. Owing to the many beneficial properties of Ashwagandha as a nutrient of high medicinal value, this herb is trusted as a supplement for various health conditions. Say goodbye to stress with the therapeutic value of Ashwagandha.
Chithrakoota Ayurveda offers the best Ayurvedic treatment in Karnataka, for stress relief and has expertise in the practice of natural medicines like the many benefits of Ashwagandha for therapies. Consult an expert to guide you with the best practices for stress relief, physical and mental well-being. You can also get an online consultation with Chithrakoota Ayurveda medical professionals today.